Twitter is not just a tool for posting selfies and oversharing. It is a valuable tool for business owners. Twitter is a noteworthy resource for increasing brand awareness, sharing pertinent information, and generating business. Use Twitter to generate leads, to position yourself as a thought leader, and to ultimately close sales.
Helpful Terms:
-Profile: Your profile consists of your photo, bio, and location. A good bio explains what you do and what you are interested in – a challenging feat with only 140 characters!
-Handle: You handle is your Twitter username. Shorter handles are usually better due to Twitter’s 140 character limit.
-Timeline: Your timeline is a chronological list of all of the tweets written by the people and brands you follow.
-Mentions: If you write a tweet that contains someone’s handle, but you don’t start the tweet with that handle, then it is called a mention. A mention is visible to those who follow you.
Example: Did you read the lastest @Century21 blog post? It has lots of great tips for first time homebuyers! [link] #RealEstate #Advice
-Replies: If you start a tweet with someone’s handle, it is called a reply. The only people who will be able to see it in their timeline are people that follow you and the person or people that you are tweeting to. If someone clicks on your profile they will be able to see both your mentions and your replies.
Example: @Century21 I also recommend that homeowners light the fireplace or candles at open houses to make the home inviting. #RealEstate
-Retweets: Whenever you retweet someone else, their tweet will appear on your profile and will be visible to your followers.
-Favorites: A favorited tweet is the equivalent to a Facebook “Like.” Favorited tweets won’t appear on your timeline, but others can view what you favorite by clicking on the “Favorites” tab on your profile.
-Hashtags: Hashtags are keywords used written with the # symbol to track and find specific topics, phrases, events, and more. Click on them to see what other people are saying!
Here are five beginner tips to get you started!
1. Write a descriptive profile: What do you want your audience to know about you? Use this space to give a short yet clear description of who you are and what you do.
2. Use Twitter search for social listening: Use social listening as a focus group. Learn what other realtors and potential clients are talking about. This will also help you to determine what you want to discuss when you start Tweeting. You may want to search terms like: real estate, realtor, interior design, home, sell your home, moving, and homeowner.
3. Use relevant hashtags: Now that you’ve learned about what people are talking about, join the conversation! Write Tweets about new listings, blog posts you’ve written, articles you’ve enjoyed, and tips for other agents. You can use the same search terms as hashtags. For example: #realestate, #interiordesign, #home, #sellyourhome, #moving, and #homeowner. Search hashtags by clicking on them in someone’s tweet or entering the hashtag into search (#realestate).
4. Follow and engage with industry influencers: Twitter makes it easy for you to learn from others in your industry. You can find people to follow by using search or Twellow. Twellow is essentially a Yellow Pages for Twitter! Click categories and choose a category you are interested in.
Once you choose a category, you’ll be able to see a list of people that you might be interested in following. Read the person or brand’s bio, see their follower count, and look at their location. If you like what you see you can follow them directly from Twellow!
5. Share relevant content that is not your own: A good rule to follow is the 80/20 Rule. According to the 80/20 rule, 20% of what you share should be related to your brand and 80% should be engaging with other brands, influencers, and Twitter users or sharing content that is not your own. Share your listings, blog posts and resources on your site 20% of the time and focus the rest of your time on engagement and sharing other industry relevant news. This approach will not only help you learn more, but it will also help position yourself as a thought leader.
Now you are ready to set up an account! One added benefit is that this approach will help you to reach Millennials. Millennials use Twitter for news, tips, resources, and conversation. Millennials are also often first time homeowners and, if you market yourself on Twitter effectively, they are likely to turn to you when they are looking to buy a home.
Stay tuned for more social media tips and advice.
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